K & J Produce at Gore Mountain Harvest Fest
Posted on 14. Oct, 2011 by Anthony in Events, Virtual Tours

Click the image to experience the 360 virtual tour of K and J Produce at Gore Mountain Harvest Fest.
Being an entrepreneur is no easy task. It takes vision, courage, hard work and more. As the owners and operators of our own virtual tour company, we know how a small business can be filled with its share of ups and downs, but we also know how at the end of the day it is totally worth it. As owners of our own family run business, we could help but be drawn to the owners of KandJ Produce.
The owners of KandJ Produce are two young brothers: Kyle Wafler and Jacob Wafler. It was encouraging to meet these two young entrepreneurs and see their passion for quality locally grown produce and service with a smile. We expect that their hard work, good manners and fresh produce will take these young men far. If you’d like to learn more about Kyle, Jacob and their NY grown fruits and vegetables check out the KandJ Produce Page on Facebook. Before you leave to learn more about these guys and to buy some of their fresh veggies be sure to click the image above to experience an interactive 360 degree image that we captured of the KandJ Produce booth during the Gore Mountain Harvest Fest.